Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate Follow-up

I am really knew to this whole politics thing. I was (and am still, I guess) raised in one of the most h-core conservative families known to man. My whole life, I was only taught one side of things and that that side was the "right" one and that all democrats go to hell. But like usual, I have grown to disagree with the rest of my family. I think I must be adopted. It's mindblowing to think God actually placed me into this family. I don't really mind, though. I love being a contradiction.

I don't really consider myself a democrat nor republican. I think if you whole-heartedly agree with either side, you are ignoring something. Maybe next election I'll vote republican? But right now we need change. It'd be better to make a different mistake than the same one all over again.

As for the debate, I found it to be very interesting at first. After about a half hour I had reached my limit, but I left it on 'til the end and tried to follow. They mostly covered topics such as the current economoic crisis, foreign oil, and the war. Both of them stuck to their guns (shit, is that a republican term?) on the issues, but McCain seemed to contradict himself numerous times, sometimes agreeing with Bush's policies and sometimes not. I thought it was incredibly rude how he kept snickering when Obama was speaking and often saying "Senator Obama still does not understand...". Obama is also a much more charismatic speaker, which goes far with me. And whenever McCain was speaking, he looked like he wanted to punch him in the face. I loved it. Once again, I don't feel like going over the details. I suck at that. If you want to watch the videos, here they are:

OK, I promise I'm not going talk about politics again for quite some time. This was not intended to be a political blog, it's supposed to be a "life" blog. To me that mean music, movies, TV, fashion, celebrities, art, but also important social issues. It will also include a lot of rants and lots of bitching. Look forward to it.

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